I am lovin it!! There is snow up on the mountains, which will be melting into the rivers, which will fill the reservoirs......so on and so on....
Last weekend we got up into the 80's, I was quickly reminded that I am menopausal and better find that fan to sleep with...... hmmmm....how long till I break down and go get some HRT. I have been holding out on doing this but I am getting closer to having the discussion at my next appointment with the fun doctor. Please share your story on Hormone Replacement if you have one. My SIL works for the company in Seattle who heads up the study on HRT. Some results from the study really make me nervous about using HRT. I have always waited until I am miserable before taking medication. I am thinking I am miserable enough now!! time to have the discussion.
Last week I went to a doctor regarding my migraines. I have had them for years and they have come on with a vengeance lately so I guess I was miserable enough and did a good thing. I found the doctor to be so understanding and had a very good discussion. I am taking medication to prevent as well as receiving some very expensive pills for killing the damn things before they kill me. That's what it feels like some times that your body is trying to kill you..... well so far so good........
Oh the sun feels so good, I am ready to bask in it, and get my garden planted, at least the seeds.
This Easter, our youngest son brought his fiance and Alivia over to celebrate with us. Alivia is three, and so fun and active. She is a an "on the go girly girl". I hid and I use the word loosely, some eggs. Made up a basket for her!!! What are holidays without kids to celebrate....just so much more fun with them.
So meet Alivia, cute little smile, bright eyes!! I want to be three...... she loved her little Starbucks bear, dressed in a lamb suit this year!!! Chocolate chicks....which she was unwrapping even as she posed for this picture.....so cute....she can multi-task!!!
Alivia was so fun, she loved this little antique cherub bird bath, the eggs were secondary at times....... so cute.
She kept smiling and running on to find the next one.... and she was keeping her lamb, thank you!.
Ok...somewhere they say there is an egg in this tree......lol.....
We are into Spring Field Trial season. Last weekend was our club event. It was fun, exhausting and I was so busy I took zero pictures. I prepared and fed the 30 some people breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most of the prep was done on Thursday at home. It is always a fun time but man do you get tired. We got home Sunday at 11pm and took showers, veged for a bit and fell in bed.
Our young pup Casey, took second in Puppy....I miss not having my horse anymore so I didn't watch him run.
These next two weekends we get to go participate without all the organization, just offering a helping hand and enjoying a group of very nice people.
OK just one more picture, I didn't get to have the triplets for Easter but I did get some pictures. So I will share just one, my they are growing so much, and I love their yellow and blue Easter outfits. And there hairdoos!!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, I hope you get outside and have wonderful spring weather.
Spring blessings,